Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bulletin 10/19/2008

Click on Bulletin for Larger Print

Happenings Week of October 20th

Ham and Egg Supper -- October 25th -- 4:00 to 7:00 pm

Everyone is invited to a Halloween Party on Friday, October 31st beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the church. We will have a bonfire at the pit for roasting hot dogs and marshmellows. We would ask that the adults bring your "trick or treat" goodies to the church so that the children can do a safe trick or treat. Would love to have volunteers to plan other activities such as games and/or crafts. If you are interested, please let me know. Also, I (Lisa) will do face painting. Everyone wear your favorite costume (adults too!!) and come have some fun!